Sunday, October 7, 2012

One Big Mix Up!

     I'm in this RSO called YBBW (You Beautiful Black Woman) and they have a lot of events. Well YBM (You Beautiful Men), LSA (Latino Student Association), and YBBW do most of their events together. This past Friday the event was movies at the RAVE; movies at the RAVE; I repeat RAVE. A few of my friends and I decided to go see the movie with all of the organizations, but we didn't know much information about it. My friend Kailynn is from Detroit; so she's not really familiar with the area, so she just kept saying it's the movie theatre down the street. The thing is there are two movie theatres by WMU, but she didn't know which one and assumed it was Kalamazoo 10. Long story short we went to Kalamazoo 10, asked the movie lady," Is there a lot of black people and Latinos from WMU going to see this movie?" She said yes; they just went in. We walk in the movie, Taken 2, and everyone was old...


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